The Take-Back Control Of Your Life 14 Day Challenge And Why I’m Facilitating it

Grace Chivell
11 min readNov 7, 2020


Begins 22/11/2020

Can I be honest with you? We all know we need the motivation to stick with our goals. But with busy lives, we may not always take the steps we know will bring us success. That’s why we need others — friends, colleagues, and personal accountability partners — to help us stay on track. So recently, I’ve taken the unusual step of building what I think is the ultimate tool for keeping you constantly in action toward achieving the life of your dreams. The Take-Back Control Of Your Life 14 Day Challenge.

It’s a community of like-minded people from around the world who are doing exciting things with their lives — or want to! We are a global movement of abundant thinkers who’ve been grounded in living some pretty clear-cut principles of success.

When you decide to join us, it’s like being accepted into a uniquely powerful club — an inner circle of friends and contacts — without the rigorous membership requirements. Best of all, it’s completely FREE to join.

To get you started — and challenge you a bit — I’ve prepared a free 14-Day Workbook with simple assignments designed to keep you focused on your goals, while you uplevel every area of your life.

Over the next 14 days, you’ll:

• Finally, resolve long-standing troubling situations and move forward without stress

• Become proactive about your future, instead of blaming and complaining

• Respond differently to unexpected disasters and unexpected opportunities

• Master the #1 habit that top achievers use to stay focused (hint: it’s not time management or a 3×5 card)

The 14-Day Challenge Workbook I’ve prepared is included FREE when you become part of my inner circle online.

Meet new friends, swap stories, share your biggest wins, participate in guided discussions. You never know whom you’ll meet in this amazing new online community — or what they’ll mean to your future!

What Can You Expect

To get you started — and challenge you a bit — I’ve prepared a free 14-Day Workbook with simple assignments designed to keep you focused on your goals, while you uplevel every area of your life.

Over the 14 days, you’ll:

- Finally, resolve long-standing troubling situations and move forward without stress-

- Become proactive about your future, instead of blaming and complaining

- Respond differently to unexpected disasters and unexpected opportunities

- Master the #1 habit that top achievers use to stay focused (hint: it’s not time management or a 3x5 card)

The 14-Day Challenge Workbook I’ve prepared is included FREE when you become part of my inner circle online.

Meet new friends, swap stories, share your biggest wins, participate in guided discussions. You never know whom you’ll meet in this amazing new online community — or what they’ll mean to your future!

Can’t Wait to Get Started With You on Sunday, November 22nd, 2020!


My story begins when I was about 8 years old. I used to set up a classroom in my parent’s garage. Boxes were used as desks and I placed pieces of paper and pens on each desk for each student, which were all part of my imagination of course. I enjoyed marking the papers with a red pen and returning them back to the desks. For some reason, I felt comfortable in this environment. Although later in life, I had no interest in becoming a teacher. But for some reason, I enjoyed this process.

Ever since I was a child, I have always been extremely shy. When I say shy, I mean really shy. I was always intrigued by people who had so much confidence. As a teenager, I was always trying to find out how successful people and the people around me had so much confidence. I really wanted to conquer my fear of shyness and speaking up, so I wouldn’t have to deal with the anxiety of having to do a talk in front of people.

My ultimate goal was to be able to feel confident and have the belief in myself that I could eliminate the shyness that had haunted me for so long so that I could have more confidence in my everyday life.

The thing is, I was losing more and more confidence every day. I had always been taught as a child to keep quiet and not to speak up and “rock the boat”. That meant I wasn’t able to feel confident and have the belief in myself that I could eliminate these feelings. I had never received any guidance on how to grow and learn the techniques necessary to overcome everything that I feared.

To make things worse, I felt terrible because I did not feel I had the support to overcome my fears and also that I was letting my class down when I was still at school, by not participating in debates. I felt even worse about the situation because most of my friends had the confidence and didn’t suffer from shyness as I did. I felt like a failure at living. I even made out I had laryngitis one day so that I would not have to participate during a debate. The anxiety had completely overtaken my body, it was totally debilitating.

Then something happened….

Later on, in my working life, I was given a gift by a colleague which was a soft toy of a famous Australian TV character. Initially, I thought, oh that’s a cute soft toy. However, I suddenly realised the person who gave it to me was having a “little dig” shall we say because this particular character did not speak. He only shook his head and used his hands to communicate. I was shattered. Suddenly I realised that everyone was aware of my lack of confidence, my fears, and my shyness. I thought I was the only one that knew. I had no self-reflection, which made me realise that if I didn’t do something about this now, I would continue to suffer. I needed to take action.

Then, as if by chance, something else amazing happened…


A friend of mine came over one day and she started talking about how she had been following some inspirational people. Successful and transformational teachers who talked about achieving your goals and overcome obstacles like fears. Well, needless to say, that caught my attention!

I mean, I didn’t even know back then that these people even existed!

I began doing research into these individuals and their style of teaching success. All the motivational and spiritual people that were out there sharing their knowledge about using the right tools, the right resources while also explaining that doing certain practical exercises can finally give you the power to crush those limiting beliefs! Just to name one!

That’s when I found out about Jack Canfield a Success Coach from the movie The Secret.

After many years of research, it was now crystal clear to me how NOT to give in to those false images in my mind of what MAY happen, because I saw that I finally had some guidance from external sources that I could use and educate myself on how to master my self-belief. Lucky for me, I have always loved learning. I also learned that my child programming was the cause and that not speaking up and living with my shyness was not the right mental state to be in. To move forward, I needed to get in touch with my fears, acknowledge, and accept them instead. Over the coming years, I spent many thousands and thousands of dollars on my education of self-improvement.

As a result, I decided to take the leap and enroll in Jack Canfield’s Success Trainer program, which was a large investment for me. I was so nervous because it meant that I had to dig deep with my feelings, acknowledge everything that had caused my anxiety from when I was a child to becoming an adult. I took action daily making the appropriate steps to overcoming all the false beliefs I thought were right all my life.


After I did that, I started taking back control of my life day by day by using all the information I had learned while becoming a trainer. I realised that it’s not so much that I achieved the title of Trainer, but IT WAS whom I BECAME ON THE JOURNEY to that achievement. Suddenly, I was feeling more confident with the actions I had taken, using all the formulas and steps that I had been given. Finally, I had been given a new lease on life. That’s when I realised that the secret of how successful people had so much confidence was to acknowledge, experience, and accept my fear for what it was. As long as I acknowledged it, I could now take action to do something about it.


My plan was to start a new coaching business with my newfound knowledge and confidence.

So I started thinking. What is a catchy name I could call my business? But I didn’t stop there. I then decided on a logo, purchased the business name, and arranged all my social media around it.

After that, I created a website under the business name hoping that this would encourage people to hire me for their next event or for personal/business coaching.

But there was still a problem… I suddenly realised something….


I was doing all this to avoid getting my hands dirty and doing the action steps that would require me to grow, as well as my business. I was doing all the “fluffy stuff.”

Even after placing my services all over social media and having a website that I thought would convert the traffic that was going to it, I still wasn’t getting any clients. So I decided to put my dreams on hold as I felt it was getting way too hard. But I think deep down I was a little confronted with the fact that I would have to provide services. What if they didn’t like my services? What if I didn’t produce the results my clients wanted?


Then I decided to create a vision board. I placed all my dreams on it. Inspiring words, images of what I wanted to achieve, not only material things but spiritual things as well. One of those dreams was becoming an author. I had no idea how I was going to manifest it. I printed a nice book off of google and wrote “Grace Chivell, Author” on it. At this stage, I had no idea what I was going to write about. All I knew was that I really wanted to become an author. So I spent the next several months thinking about what I would like to write about. Eight months later, I receive an email from Jack Canfield, asking if I would like to put forward a chapter in his next book. What, me? I nearly fell over backward!

So, I sat on it for a couple of weeks because I thought to myself (those limiting beliefs again) “I’ve got nothing interesting to write about.” “Who’s going to want to listen to what I have to say?”

Then it hit me like a bolt of lightning. Everyone has a story to tell, even if they don’t realise it. If you start to write out your life in blocks of time, it’s not surprising what information you can come up with, if you just sit down and write it out.

What if I could write a chapter about my experiences of shyness and limiting self-beliefs?

What if I could tell my story on how I overcame both of these?

I sat on that for another couple of days too. You know why? I realised that I would be showing my vulnerability and letting the whole world know about my life and my feelings. I can’t do that can I? Well, I sat down and began writing for the next three days straight. And boy, was that an emotional experience! I had an upheaval of emotions, I cried the whole way through the process as I was bringing forward the memories of all that had happened to me.

After days of struggling on whether to submit the chapter or not, I completed my chapter which I named “Conquering Your Fears Of Public Speaking” and clicked on the submit button to the publisher. OMG! Did I just do that?! Now, at this stage, I had no idea if the chapter would be accepted or not.

Two weeks later, it was accepted. Deep down I thought, oh my goodness, I’m really doing this. I was scared out of my mind because the chapter was about something I never told anyone. Yes, you read that right. I had never told anyone. I had kept it to myself all that time.

And now it was going out to the whole wide world.

The anticipation between when I wrote it and when it was published later that year was great, however, it also uncovered more anxiety and fear. The book was called “The Road To Success”.

I had a good think about it and suddenly realised that if I could create something that would make it possible to help other people that are struggling with the same feelings as I was, that would make me so happy!

Later that year, the book was published, got onto the Amazon Best-Seller List, and all of a sudden, I’m a Best-Selling Author! Wait, what just happened? I can now say that I am a best-selling author because the book hit the best-seller list, along with other entrepreneurs who contributed their chapter to the book.

As a result of all this I was able to achieve the following:

I flew to Los Angeles in 2016 to accept my Quilly Award along with the other authors of the book and was also inducted into the National Academy of Best Selling Authors. Not only that, I was awarded the Editor’s Choice award for my contribution to the book. The editor of the book happened to be the publisher’s father, who was touched by my authenticity and the emotional journey I take the reader on.

This book was a major achievement for me. Thinking back to my teens, I would never have thought that I would become an author, let alone a best-selling author. So it just goes to show, you can achieve anything you want if you just put in the work and make a commitment to self-improvement, while at the same time visualising the end result. Which is exactly what I did.

Following this, I decided to create a Podcast called “Your Road To Success!” A play on words of the book. It is a step by step guide to success, each episode building on the previous step. Each episode is in a particular order so that the listeners can build on what they have learned. It’s for podcast listeners who are committed to making a change and taking the steps to achieve everything they have ever wanted to achieve in their lives. This was also HUGE for me, because I experienced my fear of putting it out there, but did it anyway. That’s what you need to do, just step in and try it. It doesn’t have to be perfect the first time!


After publishing The Road To Success, and Your Road To Success Podcast, I was not only able to release my message out there to inspire people to up-level their life for the better, I’ve also been able to stop spending any time on the negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that debilitated my life for so long. I look at everything now as an OPPORTUNITY.

I can now put into practice all the things I have learned along the way. I really want to help people, to uplift and inspire those who are committed to making a change for the better, while letting them know that it IS possible to start a new chapter and realise their dreams.

And in the end, all of this means that I am now able to now focus on where my passion is. And that is that I am on a mission to inspire 100,000 lives through the written word, virtual, and live coaching programs.

Now I understand why, back then in my parents’ garage, I enjoyed the feeling of teaching others.

I’m now doing what I love;


If I could do it, you can do it too.

This I know for sure.



Grace Chivell

I am a Best-Selling Author, Transformational Coach and Podcaster. I am on a mission to inspire 100,000 lives.